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Macintosh Picture Format  |  1997-03-03  |  50KB  |  432x324  |  8-bit (94 colors)
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OCR: Hawaiian king 1800s) The king's helrret and cloak are covered with colorful fea thers Many beautiful tropicalbirds are rative to Hawaii. Wearirg fea thers closks was Karmehameha I was adorned with the privilege of the nobility ar the QI chiefs fierre wanrior. He gained contrl the islands by defes ting several loca] chiefs in10 vears bloody warfare Kareharmeha I was the first to urify the Hawalian islands in a single kingdom He is rermermhered a.s skiliful lead ler and ranof ilrnost superhunan strength Hawaiians today cormrernorate his reign with festivals ard rronunents helmet tropical cloaks Karneharmeha fiere warior control local Kamehameha rermembered leader alrnost superhurnan streng comremorate